ONLC HOMe / Memberships

Join ONLC today and receive benefits like quarterly newsletters, updates on Indigenous Literacy issues & more!

Membership Benefits

There are a lot of advantages to becoming an associate member.

  • Members receive quarterly newsletters and regular updates related to Native Literacy issues

  • Members have the opportunity to attend the Annual General Meeting

  • Members may cast one vote at the Annual General Meeting, providing they have been a member in good standing for a period of at least six (6) months prior to the meeting

  • Members in good standing can put their names forward for election to the ONLC Board of Directors, providing they have been a member for a period of at least six (6) months prior to the meeting

  • Members are notified of all upcoming events and training conferences

  • Members receive a discount on all training events and conferences put on by the Ontario Native Literacy Coalition

Types of Memberships





Responsibilities of Membership

  • Support and promote the goals and philosophy of the ONLC and Indigenous literacy programs

  • Agree to the guidelines as presented within the ONLC by-laws

  • To be eligible for nomination for a position on the Board of Directors, an associate member must be a member in good standing for at least six months prior to the Annual General Meeting. (Members with less than 6 months standing do not have voting privileges at the AGM)

  • Membership is renewable on an annual basis

  • All associate memberships are subject to review by the Board of Directors