ONLC HOMe / Resources / Task-based activities

Task-based Activities Are Tailored to the Individual Needs of Learners and Offer a Wide Range of Opportunities for Growth.

Task-Based Activities

TBA’s are developed on the foundational guidelines of the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF).

They outline what is commonly available at an Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) program. It describes six broad competencies - generic categories of learner abilities - that organize the content of the LBS Program. These competencies are embedded in authentic and purposeful tasks that show how literacy learning transfers to goal-related activities. Select a goal path to begin:

Apprenticeship | Employment | Independence | Postsecondary | Secondary School Credit





Secondary School Credit

 The curriculum framework uses three levels to describe the increasing complexity of these tasks, and learner’s developing proficiency in performing these tasks.

The curriculum framework also provides examples of what a task at the end of the level looks like; end-of-level tasks are categorized by OALCF goal path, providing practitioners with additional support in designing and implementing literacy programming.

The Holistic Approach to Developing OALCF Task-Based Activities

Ontario Native Literacy Coalition (ONLC) has, with the assistance of its programs, staff, and membership, developed native specific task-based activities to assist program participants to achieve success and reach their personal learning goals.

The recent findings of the ONLC 2013 Needs Assessment indicated that there was a need to develop and implement holistic learning materials that embraced the theologies and methodologies of First People of North America. ONLC provided a forum where professionals working in the literacy field were encouraged to share their knowledge and expertise and develop task-based activities utilizing the teachings of the medicine wheel while meeting the requirements of the OALCF.

The learner is the most important person in any program and ONLC wants to ensure that there are effective innovative learning tools to engage them while they are on their learning journey.